Monday, June 2, 2008


What is a Mission

A mission is a project with a target to achieve. These days it is very common for corporations, organizations, educational institutions, Government departments, etc., to have a Mission Statement. In the Mission Statement, various targets will be mentioned. The activities of the corporations, organizations, educational institutions, Government departments, etc., will thus be centered upon achieving these targets or goals.

Personal Mission Statement

It is about time that individuals should write up their own individual Mission Statement, and then direct their energy and time to achieving whatever had been stated.

Success or Failure

With a personal Mission Statement and human natural aversion to failure, in most cases, energy and concentration will be focused on goals stated in the Mission. A person may succeed or fail, but now he has some standard to based his judgement of his success or failure. However, please note that in my opinion, it is not necessary for a target or goal to be reached. If there is continuous improvements in that field, it can be considered as a success. If this continuous improvements, one fine day, that target will be reached.

First step for a Mission Driven LifeTM

. The first task of a person who wants to live a Mission Driven LifeTM should be to draft out a Mission Statement.

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